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  •   Far from Tel Aviv and big city crimes, Daphna, 40, a promising police officer with a big mouth, finds herself in the small town of Afula dealing with petty crimes, seeking shade from the scorching heat, taking care of her aggressive cat, but more importantly, dodging the nagging question:" When are you going to get married, and have children?". The disappearance of Orly Elimeleh, a beautiful and wild 36 year-old army widow and former beauty queen, soon raises another troubling question for Daphna - why isn't anybody looking for her? This indifference towards Orly's uncertain fate shakes Daphna to the core as she begins to identify with her and to suspect the worst. Her concern gradually consumes her life, blurs her reality and causes her to question whether she is just imagining things, or is she on the contrary, the only one seeing things clearly. Matan, the younger 34 year-old son and "black sheep" of the powerful Oheyon's, Orly's late husband's family, seems to be the only one who ...
  • 故事发生在1989年的墨西哥,32位来自全国各地的女孩来到一座神秘的庄园,为赢得“墨西哥小姐”选美比赛而努力训练。她们不仅需要赢得桂冠,更重要的是能活着结束比赛。
  • 一名女子试图在狱中与她失散多年的女儿团聚,却因她拒绝参与妹妹扭曲的阴谋而引发背叛和报复。
  •  丽塔是一位资历很高但总被低估的律师。她工作的事务所更感兴趣的是让罪犯摆脱困境,而不是将他们绳之以法。  有一天,她得到了一条意想不到的出路。毒枭头目马尼塔斯雇佣她来帮他金盆洗手,并实现他多年来秘密准备的计划:像他一直梦想的那样,成为一个女人。
  • 女主角Wynonna Earp 由Melanie Scrofano饰演,是Wyatt Earp的曾孙女,是个机智﹑狂野的现代枪手,她用自己的独特的能力,以及一群不太正常的盟友狙杀恶魔及超自然生物。@www.aixiaoju.com