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  • 讲述埃利奥特和他们所有的森林朋友一个全新的冒险,Boog他决定自己旅行,一个酷似马戏团的灰熊,接管他的位置。 布格的朋友准备把他从俄国旅行马戏团带回家。一连串有趣的事情。
  • Kevin, a charismatic skater, decides to steal the plan of a dangerous gang to rob seven million dollars from the airport and give his girlfriend Génesis, the life she deserves. The rest of the team consists of Pantera, Mística and Panda, who join this adventure.
  • California gold rush, late 1800's: A gun slinging bounty hunter (Mortimer) travels deep into the mountains to find a deadly Apache warrior (Brother Wolf) who is wanted by the law. Along the way he passes through a gold mining Town. The miners help direct Mortimer to the Apache and send him on his way. Mortimer enters the forest and begins to track the Apache. Back in town, the miners un-earth an ancient meteor. They use their pick axes to crack it open. A section of the meteor splits apart and spores explode out of it. The spore surround and infect the entire population of the mining camp. They are transformed into ravenous mutants. After a vicious battle against the Apache warrior, Mortimer exits the forest with his prisoner in shackles. They hike back to the mining town to find them selves surrounded by a horde of blood thirsty mutants. Now Mortimer the gun slinger and Brother Wolf the Warrior must join together to survive the mutant hordes. What ensues is a bloodbath of horror for the Dead and the Damned.
  • 《幽灵人间》:一幢豪华的别墅内,年迈的主人坤桑遇刺身亡。他曾留下遗嘱,将房子留给一对连体的双胞胎姐妹花。但是条件只有一个,姐妹俩必须为祖父首领三天。守灵之夜,怪事频发,鬼影幢幢,杀机四伏;《第11层天堂》:在名为“Heaven 11”的超市内,开业不到两个月内,接连4名店员自杀身亡。从收银台前的监视器内,可以清楚看到自杀收银员的身影。所见之人,不寒而栗,死亡诅咒仍在继续,纯情的收银女孩步入死局;《第八层地狱》 :命运凄惨的女孩在大厦电梯间被粗暴蛮横的负心汉残忍杀害。美人香销玉殒,但冤魂久久不散。电梯间内,血腥的一幕重复上演,轮回不止……
  • When Jaycen "Two Js" Jennings, a washed-up former pro football star hits rock bottom, he is sentenced to community service coaching an unruly pee-wee football team in his hometown, he just may turn his life around and reclaim his love of the game.