- 皮特(马克·沃尔伯格 Mark Wahlberg 饰)和爱丽(萝丝·拜恩 Rose Byrne 饰)结婚多年,夫妻两人之间的感情一直十分要好,只是这么多年来,他们都没有孩子,不过对于两人来说,这并不是什么着急的事情。一场意外让两夫妻的观念开始产生了改变,他们开始渴望一个爱情的结晶,年纪已经不再年轻的他们选择了走了领养这条路。 一个名为利兹(伊莎贝拉·莫奈 Isabela Moner 饰)的小姑娘吸引了皮特和爱丽的注意,虽然利兹的个性尖锐而又叛逆,但他们还是在她的身上看到了动人的闪光点。利兹还有一个弟弟胡安(古斯塔夫·奇洛兹 Gustavo Quiroz 饰)和一个妹妹丽塔(朱莉安娜·甘米兹 Julianna Gamiz 饰),夫妻两人一不做二不休的也顺带收养了这两个孩子。
- 比尔(艾伦·艾克哈特 Aaron Eckhart 饰)不知道自己的生活怎么会沦落到如此的地步。在岳父所经营的银行里,他是个毫不起眼没有前途的小小职员,在本该温馨和幸福的家庭里,妻子杰斯(伊丽莎白·班克斯 Elizabeth Banks 饰)对自己的郁郁不得志毫不关心,反而和新闻主播齐普(蒂莫西·奥利芬特 Timothy Olyphant 饰)大搞暧昧关系。再看看自己,硕大的肚腩和令人感到不安的发际线,一切的一切都让他失去了对生活的期望。 一次偶然中,比尔结识了神秘的少年(罗根·勒曼 Logan Lerman 饰)和美艳的内衣销售露西(杰西卡·阿尔芭 Jessica Alba 饰),在两人的鼓励和帮助下,比尔重拾了信心,决定要从内到外,来一次彻彻底底的大改变。
- That's Not Us is an intimate portrait of three twenty-something couples as they travel to a beach house to enjoy the last days of summer. But what should be a fun and carefree weekend becomes an exploration of what it takes to sustain a healthy relationship and make love last in what is now being called the "gayest generation." Through each of the three couples - one gay, one lesbian, and one straight - That's Not Us explores sex and relationships with a fresh perspective, finding that while sexuality and gender may vary, the struggles to keep love alive do not.
- The elderly caretaker of a remote morgue possesses an impeccable memory for everything but names. He passes his days showing corpses to those searching for their lost ones and tending to his beloved plants. When protest in a nearby city breaks out and the militia covertly raid the morgue to hide civilian casualties, he discovers the body of an unknown young woman. Evoking memories of personal loss, he embarks on a magical odyssey to give her a proper burial with the help of a mystic gravedigger who collects stories of the dead, an old woman searching for her long-lost daughter, and a hearse driver tormented by his past.