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  • 基于Miriam Toews所著同名畅销书,讲述在一个偏僻的宗教殖民地,数百名女性长年累月遭到性侵犯,一些妇女了解到她们是被一群来自他们自己社区的男人下药、攻击,为保护自己和女儿们免受更多的伤害,她们决定采取措施。这些女性尝试筹集足够的资金,但她们都是文盲,对社区以外的世界一无所知,甚至不会说所在国家的语言。她们几乎没有时间做出选择:是留在唯一所熟悉的世界里,还是敢于逃离。
  • 布拉德利·爱德华·曼宁,美国陆军上等兵。他利用职务之便,非法下载了二十五万份美国政府的机密资料,转交给维基解密。他在网络上向另一位黑客Adrian Lamo夸耀此事,遭举发。  2013年,曼宁被判在军事监狱服刑35年。被判刑后,她宣布自己要变为女性,并改名切尔西·曼宁。2016年,曼宁在狱中接受变性手术。2017年1月,美国前总统奥巴马在卸任前为她减刑,同年5月曼宁获释。2019年3月,曼宁再次被捕。2019年4月22日,美国联邦法院驳回了曼宁的保释上诉,她将继续坐牢。
  •   Single-mother Sandra (Clare Dunne) escapes her abusive partner with her two young children, only to find herself trapped in temporary accommodation. After months of struggling, she draws inspiration from one of her daughter’s bedtime stories and hits upon the idea of self-building an affordable home. She finds an architect who provides her with plans and is offered land by Peggy (Harriet Walter), a woman she cleans for. Aido (Conleth Hill), a building contractor, appears willing to help too. But as her past rears its head, in the form of Gary (Ian Lloyd Anderson), her possessive ex, and as bureaucrats fight back against her independent spirit, will Sandra be able to rebuild her life from the ground up?
  •   Charlie, a young boy from China travels all the way from Shanghai to find his fathers restaurant in Hollywood is in trouble. He must convince 3 people to believe in the Spirit of Christmas in order to save his family's dream. This Multi-Award Winning, F
  •   当高中高年级学生布莱德·李在毕业典礼当晚失踪时,他的女朋友被迫质疑她认为她知道的关于他和他们的关系以及她自己的信仰的一切,希望能找到他。