搜索 Ning

  • Zach's life is upended when performance anxiety in bed leads to a life-shattering accusation his girlfriend says she thinks he's gay, and Zach wonders if she's right.
  • 一个当红摇滚明星在他第二张专辑失败后,回到了他的家乡,并一步步从失败的泥沼中重新振作重回巅峰。
  • 克里夫和查克一起从狱中释放回到社会,克里夫已经金盆洗手,此时他只想过上正常人的普通生活,但他无法抵挡查克的诱惑又重新回到犯罪团伙中,当他赚够了让弟弟结婚和买仓库做生意的钱后他这次打算永远从黑帮中隐退,但又一次他为了解救困境中的查克时,让他走上了不归路。
  •   记者威利(弗雷德里克·马奇 Fredric March 饰)正在经历他职场生涯中最大的危机,如果不能出现一个契机令他力挽狂澜,那么他就将一蹶不振。就在这个节骨眼上,一个名叫哈泽尔(卡洛·朗白 Carole Lombard 饰)的女孩出现在了威利的视野里,这个女孩受到了严重的核辐射,时日无多。威利决定利用她剩下的最后的日子带她进城见见世面,顺便再以此为题材写几篇催人泪下的新闻出来。  哪知道哈泽尔实际上并没有受到核辐射,身体强壮的很呢。但是这个姑娘决定暂时隐瞒这一事实,先去纽约好好的玩一通再说。就这样,威利和哈泽尔踏上了他们充满了谎言和利益的旅途。
  • The subtitle of Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet’s first feature, from 1965, “Only Violence Helps Where Violence Reigns,” suggests the fierce political program evoked by their rigorous aesthetic. The pretext of the film, set in Cologne, is Heinrich Böll’s novel “Billiards at Half Past Nine,” which they strip down to a handful of stark events and film with a confrontational angularity akin to Bartók’s music that adorns the soundtrack. The subtlest of cues accompany the story’s complex flashbacks. The middle-aged Robert Fähmel tells a young hotel bellhop of persecutions under the Third Reich; his elderly father, Heinrich, an architect famed for a local abbey, recalls the militarism of the First World War, when his wife, Johanna, incurred trouble for insulting the Kaiser. A third-generation Fähmel is considering architecture, just as the exiled brother of Robert’s late wife, returns, only to be met by their former torturer, now a West German official taking part in a celebratory parade of war veterans. Straub and Huillet make the layers of history live in the present tense, which they judge severely. The tamped-down acting and the spare, tense visual rhetoric suggest a state of moral crisis as well as the response—as much in style as in substance—that it demands.