搜索 Ky

  • 遺傳了爸爸能和動物對話的天賦,杜立德家族的小女兒瑪雅這次因為醫治社交名媛的狗而踏入了星光燦爛的社交圈。她必須想辦法駕馭難搞的神經質犬以及其他嬌生慣養的小動物們。迷失於有自己電視節目的機會,她忘了這些小動物們不是人類用來炫燿的道具。而這些小動物們也讓瑪雅發現,認真傾聽小動物們的想法比會跟動物交談的能力要來的重要多了!
  •   一场交通意外令智贤(柳善)变成哑巴,但性格开朗的她并没因此失掉对生活的信心。她的妹妹秀贤(蔡敏瑞)与她相反,因为癌症化疗失掉满头秀发,她十分阴郁消沉。  某日智贤为秀贤买得一顶漂亮的假发,她以为秀贤会自此重拾活着的勇气。秀贤戴上后的确与之前判若两人,但还没能开朗起来,她的举止已与之前迥异,随后,一系列令人毛骨悚然的恐怖事件发生。原来,这顶假发里藏有一个含冤而死的女子的阴魂。
  • Cinderella's Hot Night presents a lively retelling of the classic fairy tale...with a slightly more mature, erotic twist. Follow the adventures of the bewildered Cindy as she falls prey to her wicked sex-crazed benefactor all the while pining for her secret love, a noble European Prince. With the help of her smoking hot Fairy Godmother, Cindy finally realizes her dream of becom...
  •   The most cutting-edge genre shorts, which were invited by Sitges International Fantastic Film Festival, won BEST KOREAN SHORT FILM award from Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival and also won BEST DIRECTOR award from Jeonju international film festival would get together. You can see intensive violence, breathtaking fear, and attractive femme-fatale in this film.
  • Two twisted housemates lure an unbalanced woman into a sexual trap, with murderous results.