搜索 Ely

  • 2005年索菲亚国际电影节回顾单元评选的“保加利亚影史十部最伟大影片”之一。  A large balloon suddenly appears above villages and fields and grabs the attention of the peasants. They start liking the sudden guest from nowhere for the beauty of the free existence. A policeman comes and the dreams of freedom vanish.  A barrage balloon appears unexpectedly over a Bulgarian village. The startled villagers decide to knock it down with a fusillade. But the balloon flies off to the mountains. The villagers, armed to their teeth, set off after it. But they are not alone in this undertaking. There is another armed group that chases the 'wonder'. An argument whose property the balloon is breaks out between the two groups. It turns out that the balloon flew from Romania over the Danube River. In the turmoil following the argument, the balloon is destroyed. The police arrive and punish the villagers for meddling in other people's affairs.
  • 马提亚斯·布雷彻侦探受雇追踪最恶劣的南部联盟战犯。当他徘徊在旧西部寻求正义时,他的决心受到了考验,因为他遇到了一位意志坚定的先锋女性,她远比表面上要坚强。@yakubd.cc
  • 笨贼John, Ben, Tim加上倒霉催的好友Michael抢劫了黑道老大Golden Pole 一笔钱,然后准备跑路。未料突遇冰岛火山喷发,飞机迫降立陶宛。原本以为可以在立陶宛逍遥一把。谁曾想Golden Pole已经尾随而来,而比Golden Pole更大的危险还在等着他们……
  • 主人公是22岁的少女妮可,父母外出后独自照看房子,她和好朋友韦萝妮克享受着夏日惬意的时光。这种平静被妮可的哥哥打破了,他带着他的乐队出现了,他们正打算为专辑录歌。两个女孩的友谊受到了考验。她们的假日出现了意想不到的转折。妮可开始失眠,并且收到了来自一个只有十岁的男孩坚持不渝的追求。
  • In small czech town named Jilemnice live unfortunate, but brave and jovial woman Štěpa Kiliánová, whose only desire was to fill the void in her virgin life. In despair and excessive trust, she married a sardonic, reclusive man, former lieutenant and gambler Pavel Malina, whose only wish was finally found peace and forgetting the past. They lived through unrequited love, dislike and disappointment. But no one knew that her groom begin to show signs of cerebral disease, which in the coming years engulf his sanity.