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  •   克林特·伊斯特伍德最后一部导演作品《二号陪审员》,讲述一个谋杀案件陪审团的成员怀疑他自己跟受害者的死有一定关系,陷入了道德困境:是利用陪审员的身份来迷惑他人、保护自己,还是对他正在参与的法律系统自首?
  •   缉毒队队员泰桦(陈小春 饰)、老米(谢天华 饰)、阿峰(林晓峰 饰)、阿棠(朱永棠 饰)是感情要好四兄弟,多年前四人参与逮捕跨国毒枭老爹(秦沛 饰),行动之前上级卢sir要求所有人上交行动电话,以便防止窃听。然而老爹收买了黑警,四人中了老爹圈套,阿峰不幸遇难,卢sir也在行动中牺牲。阿棠就彻底从警队消失,老米与泰桦之间的关系变得紧张起来。  老爹怀疑左右手老三的身份,老三在老爹身边多年,为了自保时常向卢sir提供了情报。老米与泰桦合力抓捕狗牙,老三开枪将其打死,并自称卧底说当年被老爹贿赂的不只周sir……。  泰桦、老米为了给兄弟们报仇,展开了搏斗。
  •   A grandfather and curio shop owner in a small town in Arizona and his granddaughter are transported to a mystical land through a portal stone and have to find their way back.
  • Pablo’s life is ruled by drugs and by the intense and oppressive relationship he has with his mother, a former cocaine mule who escaped from Colombia and with whom he shares a small house in the outskirts of Rome.   After her death, following her relapse into drug addiction caused by his emotional involvement with a young Colombian girl mixed up in the smuggling ring, Pablo’s gui...
  •   American Charlotte Dobler is a master chocolatier in Vienna, she having taken over historic Dobler Chocolates from her now deceased grandmother. She is facing an eviction of sorts from that historic site in a buyout from Danube Developments who has a redevelopment project under works. Charlotte is the only property owner holdout in not selling in honor of that history. In an appeal to city hall, Charlotte can't prove her stance that it is eligible to be designated a protected historical landmark, i.e. a building at least one hundred years old, as she only has the stories told to her by her grandmother, with records of such seemingly all destroyed during the war. Danube's assertion is that the site was probably redeveloped postwar. Charlotte's fallback is preparing for the annual Vienna Chocolatier of the Year competition, she one of the three finalists. She figures winning such would bring profile to her and the shop, Danube who would not dare to be seen as the bad guy in placing pressure on the winner to vacate against her will. In a worse case scenario, Charlotte believes she may have to move back to the States and revert back to her former law career. Through this process, she meets Henry Broadbent, the new CEO of what was his father's development business, Eurostar, and a philanthropist. As a bond forms between the two, Henry learns that the company placing pressure on her to sell is Danube. The issue is that Henry's father, Gordon Broadbent, in one of his last acts as Eurostar CEO, acquired Danube specifically because of this redevelopment on the Dobler site. Henry has to decide what to do as Eurostar CEO while wanting to continue that burgeoning romantic relationship with Charlotte.