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  •   在不久的将来:一股强大的全球恐怖势力袭击世界上最大的石油储备基地,导致石油价格飞涨,进一步恶化了全球经济危机。这种动荡的局势引起了很多事端。汽油和食品的供应短缺以及持续减少的福利拨款激怒了老百姓。原本用来填补贫富差异的本就脆弱的社会凝聚力如今已趋于瓦解。与此同时,左翼与右翼集团中存在的极端政治势力急切的希望重新激起众怒——一部分原因是企图在政府选举的民意投票种夺取有利的地位。极端的右翼分子组建了一支由马克西米利安·施奈尔担任主席的新政党。他巧妙的运用巨额公共宣传投资得到了多方支持。施奈尔是一个让人琢磨不透的人:权势——他唯一的兴趣所在——使他成功的从一个激进的左翼活动家转型为权利的追逐者。施奈尔承诺建立一个脱离其他国家的自由的政府。为了阻止这个可怕的事情发生并且控制住即将恶化为国内战争局势,政府秘密的支持处在优势地位的新成立的候选党派。他们必须在两个可怕的敌人中选择势力相对弱小的一方。并且他们决定孤注一掷:他们将求助一位脱离政坛多年的老朋友,罗尔夫·哈斯一位与施奈尔同时代的政治家。这项拥有最高秘密等级的计划还是运作了。哈斯从此要和他之前的情人——身为特警的纳丁· 曼兹一起工作,但是对于她,哈斯始终有一种无法释怀的感情。他们的目的在于打消施奈尔的士气,并且赋予左翼领导人弗朗茨·洁芮力量与支持,尽管他并不是决定性的人物(或者说他是个犹豫不决的人)。但在此之前,一项截然不同的计划正在秘密的进行当中。
  • In 1974, the Portuguese and their descendants fled Angola where nationalist groups gradually claimed their territory back. A tribal girl discovers love and death when her path crosses that of a Portuguese soldier. Then, a Portuguese squad is barracked inside a wall from which they will have to escape once the past comes out of the grave to claim its long-awaited justice.
  •   A young couple's sex acts are witnessed by a young man through a hole in the wall. When the wife seduces him, they engage in an illicit affair. Chaos ensues when the husband learns about them.
  • When his sister's classmate, Leelaa, comes to spend the summer at his family home, a friendship is forged in few days and when our hero decides to take off on a road trip across the country, Leela is more than ready to join him. But something happens on that road trip. Situations go out of control and our lead pair are thrown into a vortex that they're completely unprepared for...
  •   Two 25-year-old men who meet by chance, fall madly in love, and are then separated due to an unexpected event. For the next thirty years they pursue the hope of finding each other again.