搜索 Ros

  • 一种致命传染病蔓延全球,引发一连串战争和暴动,造成无数人死亡。社会崩坏后倖存下来的人们,开始过著争夺资源的生活。雪上加霜的是,危害性命的不仅疾病,不明生物也随之出现。唯有结伴同行奋力一搏,才有存活的可能。然而在信任丧失的末日后世界,面前的人类是敌是友,得到了最后一刻才能知晓。
  •   Marie decides to journey 80 miles on foot to the coast of Oregon to revisit the ocean of her past for the first time in 45 years.
  • Eccentric scientist Harper lives in a spooky mansion with all the trimmings: hidden lab, secret panels, inscrutable butler, and greedy relatives with unusual talents. When Harper seems to be murdered, Charlie Chan (with the uninvited help of No. 4 son) tries to answer such questions as Where's the body? How can a dead man walk? And how can a secret murder be done in full view o...
  •   为了保持家族的荣耀,贵族们将自己的女儿送入修道院,以修身养性。这些修女们都出身于佛罗伦萨最富有的家庭,她们心怀对外界的渴望,却被投入了修道院这个牢笼之中。她们强烈反对父母的不公平对待,只能在爱情中寻求安慰。因此,修女们设法满足自己的欲望。  年老的修女院长试图阻止修女们沉溺于欲望之中,但是禁令无法起到实质性的作用,因为修女们私下里大多都有自己的情人。院长会在修女们不在房间的时候进行搜查,一旦发现与上帝不忠的迹象,就会对她们进行惩罚。大部分修女都很年轻,对修道院的生活感到厌倦,日常生活单调无味。因此,禁欲和清规戒律引发了她们内心的仇恨,最终导致了悲剧的发生。
  • While a rumor about the presence of sharks in a small beach town distracts residents, 14-year-old Rosina begins to feel an instinct to shorten the distance between her body and Joselo’s.