- The film follows Special forces veteran Lee Gunner as he takes his two boys on a camping trip, where the boys stumble upon a fentanyl lab and are kidnapped by drug runners. Unfortunately for the drug runners, Lee will stop at nothing to get his boys back safely, going up against not only the criminal cartel, but the FBI and local police as well, using the full force of his deadly abilities to reunite his family.
- 本剧改编自同名漫画,讲述了走上阴暗道路的阴暗高中一年级学生铃木青叶(木村慧人 饰),虽然偶尔会被同班的岩濑三之助(长谷川慎 饰)所谓的“格斗游戏 ”中打得鼻青脸肿,但仍然过着满足的学校生活。某天,隔壁班格斗技界注目的超级明星赤泽拳心(椿泰我 饰)将他从“格斗游戏”中拯救出来,拳心突然对他说“你是个空的…”无法原谅他,宣言“想揍他一拳”。在岩濑三之助的介绍下,青叶进入了时和金成(佐野岳 饰)经营的濒临倒闭的鲨鱼健身房,进入了“MMA”<综合格斗技>的世界!在师父雨地涉(笠松将 饰)的指导下,以决定最强高中生格斗家的“MMA甲子园”的顶点为目标。阴暗的主角挑战综合格斗技,前所未有的体育青春记就此展开!