搜索 Michael

  •   四个好朋友安排了一次的旅行,导游要求他们每个人讲述他们听过最可怕的故事,但他们不知道这些故事会对他们产生多么严重的影响。
  •   The Second World War was the most destructive conflict in history, laying waste not only to Europe’s people but also its infrastructure, institutions and its moral foundations. Only at the war’s end was the true scale of human suffering and misery revealed, and so devastating was the scene that Europe was dubbed ‘The New Dark Continent'. But for civilians in particular, liberation often marked not the end of their troubles but the beginning of new ones, with famine and disease widespread and an atmosphere thick with ethnic tension and revenge.  This film will re-examine the aftermath of the War to ask if too much stress has been laid on an optimistic view of victory in Europe with celebratory images of VE day and newsreel coverage of the liberation of places like Paris. While narratives of hope and reconciliation are important, are parallel stories showing the darker side of peace yet to receive due prominence? Liberation was bitter, bloody and vengeful, and there were profound and pervasive fears that the peace could be lost. Through rare archive and unique personal testimony, this film reveals the ‘poisoned peace’ of 1945 to throw light on a post-war Europe where civilisation teetered on the brink of chaos, but the story of the transition from war to peace forms the hinge on which modern European history turns.
  • 丹尼是个冷漠的美国摄影师,而克丽丝来自东欧,这个脆弱的女人经常会突然陷入情绪低落,表现出古怪行为。他们两人完全无法进行语言交流,丹尼只会说英语,克丽丝只能说法语。性是他们唯一的交流手段。他们为相互之间所激发的强烈性欲而难分难舍,特别是克丽丝,总是极端饥渴,几乎疯狂地追求性爱。或许只有用性才能使他们每天都几近崩溃的关系得到愈合,他们总是为鸡毛蒜皮的小事发生争吵,而在这时候他们就会为语言不通而备受折磨。   为了创作,丹尼带着克丽丝从洛杉矶前往29片棕榈叶小镇和约舒亚国家森林公园,开着车一路寻找最合适的创作地点。他们在车上过了四天四夜,在荒芜的庞大沙漠中失去了方向,通过不断的做爱、吵架、亲吻、闲聊等生活琐碎来消磨时间,直到某件恐怖、病态的意外结束了这一切。
  • 一对感情有问题的夫妻,双方达成协议:妻子Melinda在外面任找多少情人都可以,只要她不抛弃家人。而随后,丈夫Vic开始抑制不住自己的嫉妒,想要赢回妻子,为此最终卷入了犯罪。
  • 设定在不久的将来,经济上面临挑战的加利福尼亚州创立了一项大乐透玩法:你需要在日落前杀死赢家,才能合法领取他们的奖赏。刚搬到洛杉矶的凯蒂(奥卡菲娜)意外发现自己中奖,她必须和业余头奖保护者诺尔(塞纳)合作,确保能活到日落,以领取数十亿美金奖励。与此同时,诺尔的竞争对手、同为保护者的路易斯(刘思慕)也想一路护送凯蒂到日落,来获得丰厚的佣金。