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  • 清晨,诺兰在森林中醒来时发现双手被反绑在树上,几经努力逃生无果。被饥渴折磨了几日后终于有一个徒步者出现,但对方安营扎寨竟然故意忽略自己,诺兰不知为何遭受这般虐待。影片虽然在室外取景,但导演马克·施科尔曼利用被束缚的活动空间营造出特殊的幽闭恐惧感,在全力刻画诺兰为存活而战的同时,也用另一种角度解释了怜悯。本片曾入选美国知名的小众类型片盛会“奇幻电影节”(Fantastic Fest)。
  • Il film restituisce un ritratto intimo ed emozionante della grande astrofisica italiana classe 1922, vero modello di emancipazione ed eccezionale autenticità.   Il film ripercorre la vita della ricercatrice fiorentina, da bambina autonoma e curiosa a ragazza libera e anticonformista, fino a diventare la prima donna a dirigere l’Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste.
  • 在十八世纪初,外国统治对喀尔巴阡山的胡特人来说意味着黑暗时期。多夫布什的两个兄弟变成了山上的亡命之徒。但这两兄弟成了敌人——一个只关心钱,另一个——奥列克萨——为他的人民而战。喀尔巴阡人因起义浪潮而动荡不安。贵族利用其军事力量试图杀死多夫布什并摧毁他的传奇。但多夫布什智胜了他们。绝望的领主们设计了一个狡猾的计划,并攻击了不可战胜的亡命之徒的致命弱点——他对青梅竹马玛丽奇卡的爱。谁将成为攻击奥普里什科的刺客,奥普里什克的巨大力量和勇敢激发了民间故事的灵感?在英雄带领人民走向自由之前,领主们的背信弃义计划会摧毁他吗?
  • Emi must deal with his magician parent's disappearance after a trick spirals out of control.
  • Allen Sunshine tells the story of a former music mogul who retreats to an isolated lakeside home to grieve his famous wife’s suicide. He copes by composing ambient-electronic music and nurturing an unexpected friendship with two young boys whom he meets on the lake fishing. Throughout the course of his stages of grief, Allen encounters characters that remind him of what he’s lo...