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  • 故事是关于一位理性主义的摩登藏族创业青年丹增,他一心想开出一家尼泊尔最棒的咖啡馆。正当他全力以赴地追求他的梦想时,丹增突然被一些反复出现的诡异恶梦和幻觉纠缠,他的朋友和预言者都警告这是死亡临头的噩兆。   得道的先知和古籍建议,只有找到一位空行母才能拯救他的性命,否则将在七日内丧生。丹增将这些预言和建议视做愚蠢的迷信。但无论我们如何地怀疑与鄙视,在死亡威胁的阴影下,尤其是与自己的性命相关时,都是让人抓狂和恐慌的。   于是丹增开始歇斯底里地寻找这位「非常特别的女性」,这是一场与自己的偏执和恐惧正面交锋的旅程。
  • The seminal question of land and the displacement of Adivasi (Indigenous) Communities in India. All the governments that have ruled the nation made laws that denied the indigenous people their way of life and their land often, protecting crony capitalist interests. It revisits an episode of dissent in the 90s which brought up this question amongst us. A history forgotten.
  •   Rainbow is an uplifting, enchanting, magical fable set in Rajasthan that reinforces the belief that life is beautiful. The story revolves around the wonderful relationship between a 10-year old girl Sakina and Chotu, her 8-year old brother who live in a picturesque village nestled among the sand dunes. Having lost their parents to an accident at a very early age, they live with their uncle and aunt. Chotu is blind but he is anything but sad. Happy, precocious and a smart ass, he is the life of the village.Sakina is his eyes, his guide and his best friend. And Chotu is the center of Sakina's universe. As children sometimes do, not truly understanding the consequences, Sakina has promised Chotu that he will be able to see by the time he turns 9 and as always, Chotu believes her unconditionally. On their weekly trip to the neighboring village to see a movie, Sakina sees a poster with Sharukh Khan (SRK) appealing to people to donate their eyes. Sakinais convinced that her reel life hero ... Written by Nagesh Kukunoor
  •   天真的伊娜是一名银行员,在历经前男友卷款,并与小三私奔后,过着负债累累的辛苦生活,一场因缘际会下,意外认识了一个外表帅气却十分狡猾的骗子,然而伊娜并没有因此报警,反而决定雇用这名骗子,并对她的前男友展开报复行动,一场谍对谍的爆笑骗局,就此展开!
  •   维达和亚瑟来自于两个完全不懂的生活背景,感性动人, 有时候古怪忧伤,却始终真诚如一。  全新演绎一段夹在两个矛盾冲突的家庭之间的现代茱莉亚和罗密欧故事。