搜索 Eun

  • 李瑜瑛饰演的报社编辑记者恩书在寻找新家的时候,没有选择合同到期的单间公寓,而是选择了与分居的父亲被迫同居一段时间,从而体会到了家的意义。
  • 入围第71届柏林电影节德国电影视角单元。  As she enters retirement, a mother leaves behind her solitary life in rural Germany and memories of a once perfect family life and travels to protest-ridden Hong Kong, a place that has kept her son away from her for many years.
  • Gwangho, a prospect on his high school baseball team, is not drafted by a professional baseball team. His desire to continue playing baseball strains his relationship with his team members. Gwangho eventually begins selling fake gasoline with his friend Mincheol.
  • 年轻的德国女警埃尔克在捷克边境一次例行车辆检查中无意间击毙了一个违抗了警方指令的捷克年轻人。埃尔克因此被警局停职调查,却仍旧坚信受害者行为不轨。一天晚上,死者的妹妹来拜访埃尔克,声称哥哥是无罪的,并指责埃尔克杀死无辜的人。第二天埃尔克因为无法承受的自责踏上了前往捷克的路。然而一切似乎并非看起来那样,埃尔克好像也踏入了陷阱……(豆瓣电影字幕翻译2.0小组)
  • 一部以江陵为背景,讲述为了自己的利益想要霸占江陵的混混们的故事。