- Benjamin Bernard has lived his life in the shadow of his brother. Torn between jealousy and loyalty, Benjamin takes out his aggression as a mixed martial arts (MMA) fighter. After an event nearly shatters the life of his brother, Benjamin must face his overwhelming feelings of anger and resentment as he discovers the truth about his family. As one brother fights for his life, the other must fight for reconciliation and redemption inside and outside the cage. This family film explores love, forgiveness, loss, healed relationship and, ultimately, the realization that we are all God's Favorite.
- 伊保拉、卡尔和福瑞德是好朋友,三人都酷爱潜水.可水下的一场意外,使得卡尔和福瑞德心存芥蒂,分道扬镳.两年后,卡尔和保拉在维也纳的进行地下测量时遭遇坍方.卡尔被困在了藏有文身木乃伊的地下墓穴中.福瑞德回到保拉身边,帮忙救卡尔.救援行动正紧锣密鼓时,卡尔却悄悄带着墓穴中的金币出现在保拉和福瑞德面前.狠毒的收藏家桑塔尔获悉了文身木乃伊的秘密,胁迫馆长施雷贝秘密见卡尔,索求木乃伊文身的照片.卡尔重返地下墓穴.救援队赶到时,卡尔已被桑塔尔杀.保拉和福瑞德为寻找卡尔死因去找施雷贝,三人一起破解了文身的秘密,并在教堂地下密室找到纯净教派的圣书.施雷贝欲夺书逃走.桑塔拉却突然出现,杀了施雷贝.此时,地下密室的木台阶却突然缩进,桑塔拉坠落而死,圣书也摔成粉末.只有毫无贪念的保拉和福瑞德没有受这死亡图腾诅咒,开始了相爱的生活.