- 本剧改编自Harlan Coben在2012年出版的同名《纽约时报》畅销小说。Coben将和领头编剧Danny Brocklehurst,及Richard Fee共同负责8集剧本,Daniel O’Hara担任领头导演。 这是Netflix和Harlan Coben的5年14本书超级合约下进行的第5个项目。跟随之前的合作项目,本剧将设定在英国。 故事聚焦三个生活安好的人,每个人都有不可告人的秘密,而身边最亲近的人都不会对此产生怀疑。Megan (Jumbo),一名有三个孩子的职业母亲;Ray (Armitage),曾经未来光明的纪录片摄影师,如今干着一份没有前途的工作,迎合那些痴迷明星的有钱人家孩子;Broome (Nesbitt),一名侦探,放不下一桩失踪人口悬案。Lorraine (Parish),来自Megan过去的一位老朋友,带来了一些惊人的...
- The plot introduces us to a psychologist who suggests to three couples that they engage in a group session, where they will have to analyse each other without her being present. In order to do so, she has left them a number of envelopes containing instructions on the things they have to address. The method she has proposed encourages everyone to share their opinions, argue with...