- Hunted by government agents and constantly assaulted by a cartel of vengeful thugs, an amnesiac known only as "626" searches for her true identity while protecting a teenage girl who shares her superhuman abilities; but when 626 uncovers the horrifying truth about her past, she must infiltrate enemy headquarters to expose a corporate conspiracy that threatens the free world,bef...
- 香港商界头面人物何森,以做生意为幌子,借内地某厂优质免检化工产品出口之机,不断将从我国西南边境贩来的毒品偷运进港。为彻底捣毁这个国际贩毒集团,香港警署派韦南、李彤来内地协助破案。何森与毒贩尹大华密谋,让走私匪徒化装成我边民,兵分两路声东击西偷运毒品入境。另一面,韦南、李彤遇到了重重困难,先后受伤。 通过媒体的报道,何森误认为李彤、韦南已死,便大胆行动起来,决定亲自去毒穴云峰厂验货。李彤擒匪心切,一人乘车前往砖瓦厂,中了毒贩的圈套。生死关头,特警队长赵杰及时赶到救下李彤。 云峰砖瓦厂的地下秘道里,一伙匪徒在紧张地包装海洛因,何森与两个外国买主正讨价还价。赵杰率众冲入秘道,毒贩被一网打尽,匪首何森被李彤捉拿归案。
- When a crooked federal agent is involved in a human sex trafficking ring, Sniper and CIA Rookie Sniper Brandon Beckett goes rogue, teaming up with his former allies Homeland Security Agent Zero and assassin Lady Death to uncover the corrupt agent and take down the criminal organization.