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  • 本剧改编自Josephine Hart的同名小说,聚焦一场危机四伏的三角恋。   令人难以捉摸的Anna Barton与Martyn早已订婚,但她跟未婚夫的政客父亲William展开了一段热烈的地下情。Anna努力维持着这两段关系,另一边的William则陷入了难以释怀的漩涡,而他的妻子Ingrid对此一无所知。但在有人受伤之前,这个秘密又能隐瞒多久?
  • The first feature film from accomplished short filmmaker Kate Shenton, On Tender Hooks is a documentary film delving into the world of human suspension and the people involved. Kate spends a year following a different people and group of suspenders. Every Sunday they pierce themselves with hooks and hang in mid-air from rigs in a display that challenges the perceptions and squeamishness of even the most hardened. The film is a fly on the wall documentary showing how the ordinary human body can achieve extraordinary things. Beginning with groups in London, and then following events in Rico, Croatia and Oslo, Norway, the film depicts a wide variety of experience and opinions, and delves thoughtfully into a deeply misunderstood practice On Tender Hooks was a self-funded project filmed and edited by director Kate Shenton. Completed in 2012 it is an example of independent film-making at its purest. Written by Kate Shenton
  •   爱莎的母性不是一种明显的本能,而是一直处于一种持续挣扎的状态。她在很年轻的时候就成为了母亲,这也深深地影响着她和处于青春期女儿的关系。尽管爱莎和17岁女儿维卡住在一起,但实际上她们很少与彼此互动。爱莎把大部分精力投入到她的护士工作之中,而维卡则常常与朋友们在溜冰公园溜达。随着维卡健康状况的迅速恶化,两人的日常生活被打乱。爱莎不得不走入维卡的生活,成为一个真正的母亲。维卡的病成了一个契机,让这个小家庭里的爱得以呈现。入围纽约翠贝卡电影节,荣获最佳女演员和最佳摄影奖。
  •   《音乐》是对俄狄浦斯神话的现代复述,讲述了一个男孩在希腊与他的继父母一起长大,并在 20 岁时无意中杀死了自己的父亲。 在因犯罪入狱服刑期间,他坠入爱河并与一个女人生了一个孩子,而这个女人原来是他的母亲。 故事发生在 20 年后的伦敦,这个男人现在和他的女儿住在一起,并 且开始失明。
  • 第一部全2話  監督:金子ひらく、シリーズ構成:上江洲誠、制作:REMIC (2014)