搜索 Sun

  •   故事讲述重案组刑警“东根”(金正贤 饰)在被残忍杀害的尸体身上发现10年前自杀的制药公司高管“英勋”(朴成贤 饰)的日记,在揭露其背后真相过程中与自己被遗忘的过去相遇。
  •   At first glance, it seems like an ordinary sports movie based on Kendo. Jaewoo, who joins the national team selection process, is treated as a soon-to-be eliminated player from the first day. However, IRON MASK does not simply follow the typical sports movie formula. It sets the tension high early on, by showcasing an intense confrontation between Jaewoo and the unbeatable top-ranked player, Taesu. From there, it gradually reveals why Jaewoo is there, peeling away the layers of his story like an onion. Thus, the film expands beyond being just a sports movie and veers into sharp psychological drama. The sharpness of Jaewoo’s emotions is vividly reflected in his Kendo, while also representing the challenges he must unravel in his life. The ending is quite thought-provoking. The captivating cinematography exudes the excitement of Kendo matches in an electrifying way, making IRON MASK worthy of note. (Rhana JANG)
  • Handsome and successful Jim appears to have it all: he's married to the beautiful and supportive Lisa, has a healthy baby, and works a cool gig as the director of hardcore porno fare. Jim's seemingly perfect life starts to fall apart when he has an extramarital fling with an actress and the local Los Angeles vice cops close in to make a bust.
  • 在导演尚熙(朱相旭 饰)的眼里,没有他完不成的目标,没有他弄不到手的女人,只要能够向着成功不断的前进,不择手段也是一种很好的手段。在搭上了大财阀的女儿后,尚熙迅速定下了一桩没有爱情的婚事,在他充满欲望的眼里,妻子和岳母也不过是自己向上攀爬的垫脚石而已。   就在婚期将近的节骨眼上,一个神秘女子的出现扰乱了尚熙的心。女子名叫惠丽(张美仁爱 饰),她妖娆的风情让尚熙无法抗拒,而在一夜风流之后,她的神秘消失也教尚熙牵肠挂肚。但是,尚熙并不知道的是,此刻的他已经落入了一个由欲望和仇恨编织的圈套之中,如果不奋力挣扎,他将永远的被黑暗吞噬。
  •   土耳其一个白雪皑皑的偏远小镇上,冬天总是漫长难熬,大雪封路、与世隔绝。有传言说,熊已经提前从冬眠中苏醒,并在四处觅食。虽然没有人真正见过它们,居民们还是很担心它们会很快来到镇上。阿斯利是一名年轻的护士,最近被派到这个小镇履行义务服务。在一个寒冷的夜晚,镇上的一个男人失踪了,这引起了各种谣言。阿斯利也发现自己一步步陷入与之相关的秘密和怀疑的漩涡之中。