搜索 Sen

  • 故事发生在丹麦一个宗教氛围极浓的村子里,农夫波根有三个儿子,大儿子对宗教持怀疑态度,性情叛逆;小儿子居然与不同信仰的女孩谈恋爱,而影片的主角、三兄弟中的老二相信自己就是耶稣,被大家当成疯子,因为本来读神学的他在经历未婚妻离世后打击太大而成疯癫;但有一天老二开始“显灵”,让死人复活,自己的神智也开始恢复。
  •   阿莱克斯(艾伦·卡瓦特 Allen Covert 饰)本来有一份体面而又稳定的工作,还有幸福快乐的人生,但一场突如其来的变故将这一切都粉碎殆尽。如今,年近35岁的阿莱克斯在一家游戏公司从事电视游戏测试员的工作,和他一同工作的,都是小年轻,阿莱克斯必须铆足了劲,才不至于被这些年轻人抛在后面。好在阿莱克斯是一个机灵的男人,他总是有办法让自己成为公司里的焦点。  哪知道阿莱克斯的室友因为沉迷于去夜总会风流,欠下了巨额债务,连两人的房租都赔了进去,就这样,一夜之间,阿莱克斯成为了流落街头无家可归的流浪汉。好在很快,阿莱克斯就给自己找到了新的住所,然而让他没有想到的是,他的新同居人,竟然是一位名叫格雷斯(雪莉·琼斯 Shirley Jones 饰)的八十岁老太太。
  •   《灵剑尊》是由索以文化制作的3D动画。根据同名小说《灵剑尊》和漫画《灵剑尊》改编。该动画讲述了落魄少年楚行云立志要改变现状奋发图强创造一片新天地的故事  大梦一场,落魄少年立志要改变现状奋发图强创造一片新天地。珍奇异宝,功法武决,遗失的强者洞府,在这个天才辈出,充满挑战和机缘的时代,且看落魄少主如何闯荡大陆、遭奇遇,成为叱咤风云的至尊天帝。以前的仇人,现在,绝不会放过!梦中的遗憾,现在,一定要弥补!待到灵剑长啸之时,天地三界,我为至尊!
  •   Problematic father figures and a pill-pushing doctor lead a Danish man into darkness in Isabella Eklof's powerful drama echoing with colonial conflict.  Jan is on the run from himself and his traumas after being sexually abused by his father. Now he lives with his family in Nuuk, Greenland, where he works as a nurse and does his best to assimilate into the local community. However, his past catches up with him through a letter from his now dying father, plunging him into a downward spiral of drugs and extramarital affairs. Emil Johnsen is captivating in the lead role, portraying Jan as both boyishly fragile and deeply unsettling. Haunted by his own father figure he's reflecting Denmark's paternalistic relationship with Greenland and its population. Isabella Eklof follows up her acclaimed debut (Holiday, GFF 2018) with a courageous exploration of human darkness, based on Kim Leine's autobiography, solidifying her position as one of our most exciting Nordic directors.