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  •   位于巴西戈亚斯州的卡塔洛小城近来一直干燥少雨,令人躁动。桑德罗在这里的生活也是单调而乏味,除了每天在化肥厂的工作,剩下的时间里要么到城里的酒吧、派对喝几杯,要么和工友踢足球。厂里有一个叫里卡多的工人和他维持着一段炮友关系。然而他似乎总是心不在焉,好像总是神游在外,感到无所适从。这样的生活直到麦孔的到来发生了突变,麦孔的硬朗外形仿佛从芬兰汤姆影片中走出来的人物,而当桑德罗撞见麦孔和里卡多搞在一起的时候,他内心汹涌而来的妒忌之情引发了一系列的事件...(本片获第70届柏林国际电影节泰迪熊奖提名)
  •   Bosch: Legacy follows Harry Bosch, a retired homicide detective turned private investigator, as he embarks on the next chapter of his career; attorney Honey “Money” Chandler, who struggles to maintain her faith in the justice system after surviving an attempted murder; and Maddie Bosch, as she discovers the possibilities and challenges of being a rookie patrol cop on the streets of Los Angeles. During Season Two, Bosch and Chandler work together to seek out a killer who just might find them first. As a result of being kidnapped by a masked assailant, Maddie Bosch's law enforcement career hangs in the balance. The FBI scrutinizes Carl Rogers' murder and places Bosch and Chandler under suspicion.
  •   A young couple's sex acts are witnessed by a young man through a hole in the wall. When the wife seduces him, they engage in an illicit affair. Chaos ensues when the husband learns about them.
  •  曼妮(拉斐拉•安德森 Raffaëla Anderson)和女友在郊外抽烟聊天时,四个男人突然把她们拉上车带到一间仓库,轮奸了她们,自此,曼妮深深将男人的此种野蛮粗暴兽性记在了心底。城市的另一处,妓女娜丁(卡伦•巴赫 Karen Lancaume)正在一家简陋的旅馆出卖自己的肉体,她感觉自己不过是案板上被切割的香肠。在酒吧,曼尼一怒之下开枪打死了粗鲁无礼的哥哥,而另一处的娜丁,也因一口大麻掐死了与她合租的女友。在车站不期而遇时,几句简单对话令两人结为精神与生活上的好友,开始了以性和子弹报复男人的征途。