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  •   西塔(兰迪塔·达斯 Nandita Das 饰)是一个年轻貌美的姑娘,在父亲的安排之下,她嫁给了一个有钱,但是并不爱她的音像店店主。没有爱情,婚后的生活对于西塔来说宛如一种折磨,丈夫沉迷于对于中国功夫的研究之中,对她毫无兴趣。  唯一能带着西塔解闷的,是她的大嫂罗陀(莎巴娜·阿兹米 Shabana Azmi 饰),和西塔一样,罗陀也有着不幸的婚姻,她和丈夫结婚多年都没有后代,而丈夫则沉迷于灵修,冷落妻子多年了。相似的遭遇让这两个女人之间有着很多的共同话题,她们相互帮助,相互陪伴,随着时间的推移,这种联结慢慢的从精神转移到了肉体。
  • 布达佩斯之夏,少年本该全力预备毕业考试,岂料在重重压力下难以专心,原来爱上了仅视他为好友的同学,对方却心仪已婚历史老师,加上视民主自由如洪水猛兽的父亲,官官相卫的校园文化,终如骨牌倒下。当年匈牙利力抗苏联入侵,今天大家似乎欢迎威权再现。亲历十月事件的老人记忆也变得模糊难辨,谁还可信,何可依赖?少年奋起响应,媒体介入,招来一发不可收拾的考试丑闻,俨如自杀。能解释所有崩坏之由者,唯崩坏自身而已?威尼斯地平线单元最佳电影。
  •   Forensic scientist Lisa is obsessed with the beauty of the human body, and believes that physical love heals, gives relief from the burden of trauma and problems. Therefore, she leads an extremely free lifestyle and quite often enters into casual relationships for one night. But one day on the sectional table in front of Lisa is the body of a girl with whom she spent the night the night before. A photograph of an unknown man is printed on the body of the victim.
  • Maxim Shugalei the sociologist and Samer Suifan his interpreter are finally returning back to Russia after a long imprisonment in the Libyan Mitiga prison. A few months later, Shugalei is approached by his friend - Farid, a former bank manager in Tripoli, and offers sociologist a meeting in Egypt - he has new information about terrorists in Libya. But the meeting of friends in ...