搜索 Ek

  • 奥斯卡是个愤世嫉俗的人,一个败类律师,靠坑蒙拐骗各种手段混迹职场。阿曼德是一位出生贫穷,不知何故为自己未犯过的错而入狱25年。而出狱这天,阿曼德的家人并不欢迎他。因此出狱的第一天就在街头和一条流浪狗相伴一夜,第二天两人相遇…
  • 一个男孩因为向父母讨要零花钱失败,去当了自己的手表,却换回一张500元法郎的假钞。之后,这张假钞在很多人之间转手,最后落到了一个叫伊文(克里斯琴·佩蒂 Christian Patey 饰)的年轻人手中。伊文试着去餐馆花掉这张假钞,但被服务员发现了。警察认为他参与了假钞贩卖案而逮捕了他,但法官念他初犯,没有给他判刑。伊文释放之后,丢了工作。没有了钱,他只好和朋友去银行抢劫,却又一次栽在警察手里,被抓进监狱,被判刑三年…… 本片是布列松的最后一部作品,改编自托尔斯泰的短篇小说《伪息券》,曾获第36届戛纳电影节主竞赛单元最佳导演奖。
  •   一名娇生惯养的电子游戏玩家想要参加即将到来的比赛赛,但因为生病的母亲和一位古怪的阿姨,他不得不重新考虑事情的轻重缓急。
  • A heroic fantasy about an artist’s destiny at the tumultuous time of social transformations. One of director Alexander Mitta’s best films. The south of Russia, 1920. In a town square, a mono-performance is on, based on Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar”. The film’s hero who took the pseudonym “Revarm”, which stands for “Revolutionary Art for the Masses”, is seriously interested in theatre. The real life and the stage one are intertwined in his destiny. In a provincial town where the power continuously changes hands, going from the Reds to the Whites, from the Whites to a band of the Greens, this youthful stage reformer, endowed with the gift of persuasion, attracts people to his cause, leaving no one indifferent.…
  • From Joseph Conrad's great novel comes the story of a young seaman trying to helm a damaged boat to Singapore and dealing with many unfortunate events. While on command of the situation, he also devotes himself to help his failing crew and some of the boat's many passengers, some of them who are in poor health conditions.