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  •   Bernhard, the father of Julian, Dick and Anne organized an exhibition to Egypt. Here, discover the friends after an attempted burglary an old gold amulet. So they fly with Elena, a colleague of his father, to Cairo. In Cairo Julian's father falls into a trap and is then accused of theft. Until the trial, he goes to jail. The five are trying to prove innocence Bernard and take Auni, a young pickpocket to help. This raises the question of whether they can liberate Bernhard.
  • 阿黛尔·艾克萨勒霍布洛斯、诺亚·阿比塔([艾娃])、穆斯塔法·因宾格([阿敏])格将主演蕾雅·梅西斯([艾娃])执导的第二部长片[五个恶魔](Les Cinq Diables,暂译)。影片由梅西斯与保罗·圭哈姆共同执笔,故事围绕7岁的女孩维琪展开。她与父母住在法国的一个小山村,毗邻一个被称为“五个恶魔”的大湖。小女孩与她的母亲过于亲近,以至于父亲在家庭中很难找到自己的位置。但当维琪的姨妈朱莉娅到来,她们间的亲密纽带就此被破坏。影片将于3月16日-4月10日在法国伊泽尔拍摄,并将在巴黎拍摄到5月19日。
  •   为了报复父亲之死,三兄弟闯入当地地主的橡胶庄园。一开始是一个田园诗般的计划,很快就演变成了房东疯狂的儿子手中一场越来越离奇和暴力的生存追逐。
  •   《人力资本》改编自同名美国小说,讲述因一起车祸而联系起来的三个家庭的故事。全片分为四章,前三章从三位不同人物的视角叙事,最后一章汇总。
  • In 2011, Lisa Hepner and her husband Guy Mossman heard about a radical stem cell treatment for diabetes, a disease that shockingly kills more than five million people each year. Driven by a desire to cure Lisa of her own type 1 diabetes (T1D), the filmmakers were given unprecedented, real-time access to a clinical trial -- only the sixth-ever embryonic stem cell trial in the wo...