搜索 Rong

  • 一位名叫托拉尼 (Torranee) 的护林员卷入一伙非法走私者时,导致他和他交往了七年多的男朋友肯(Ken)被被追了七年。他们都被逼得走投无路,从陡峭的悬崖上摔了下来。几个月后,肯醒来时没有爱人在身边。 随着岁月的流逝,事情开始变得不顺利有人出现了,而且和他以前的爱人很像。旧的记忆又回来了,现在环绕着他,而肯开始怀疑Torranee没有死而他可能就是那个人...... 
  •   凯南·朗斯代尔(《爱你,西蒙》《闪电侠》)、迪伦·斯普罗斯(《小查与寇弟的顶级生活》)、萨拉·海蓝德(《摩登家庭》)将主演LGBTQ题材爱情喜剧片《我的假男友》(My Fake Boyfriend),狮门和Buzzfeed出品。  罗丝·崔奇(《拉字至上》)执导,讲述一个年轻人(朗斯代尔)在最好的朋友(斯普罗斯)的建议下,创造了一个假的社交媒体男友,来让糟心的前任远离自己的生活。而当他遇到了生命中的真爱,这个计划事与愿违:事实证明要和他的假男友分手真的很难。  该片下个月在加拿大开拍,计划在明年6月同志骄傲月期间北美上映。
  • 《把哥哥退货可以吗》、《限时好友》后,泰国最瞩目爆笑爱情喜剧《只有我能喜欢妳》(Love and Run),找来全台破亿天菜《模犯生》「阿班」查农桑提纳同库(Chanon Santinatornkul),颠覆《模犯生》中天才资优生形象,在新片中化身中二屁孩,只为了保护小自己一岁的女神小姑姑「小琳」,泰国超人气女神苏帕莎拉珊纳洽(Supassra Thanachat)饰演,查农使出浑身解术要斩断女神所有桃花!
  •   Kuad and Kai are siblings who are apart from one another since their childhood. Kuad is brought up in a slum and supports his life by playing gambling whereas Kai is with his grandmother. When an accident causes grandmother to be in a coma and need more money for the cure, Kai begins searching for his brother Kuad. Things turn upside down when the siblings reunite to take their chance in a gambling house to get the money for grandmother.
  • 'Solitary' is a contained sci-fi film about a man who wakes up inside a room to discover he's a prisoner sent into space to form Earth's first colony, and worse - his cell mate Alana is hell bent on destroying everything.