- 《朋友和陌生人》是一部超现实主义喜剧影片,通过两个中产阶级千禧年人的视角,探讨当代澳大利亚人的流离失所、失联孤独、心态厌倦的现状。透过大胆的剧情框架和细腻的层次,影片展示了爱丽丝和雷所经历的生活中的几个片段,这两个年近30岁还游手好闲的年轻人出生在富裕的家庭,但似乎没有能力驾驭枯燥的工作、诡异的爱情和半吊子的创业计划。被迫放弃了青少年时期的艺术家的痴心妄想,两人都在努力寻找一种方法,将他们的优势转化为有意义的东西。但是,在一个建立在虚拟图像和文字、意识形态之上的充满抉择的社会中……哪里可以找到真实性和意义?这种求而不得的无奈、沉思中的摸索,以及随之而来的误入歧途。切中了《朋友与陌生人》的核心所在。
- Elliot, Boog and all of the beloved woodland creatures are back in a brand new comedy adventure.
- Six people bound together by a traumatic experience decide to round off a year of group therapy in style. They join each other once more, traveling up to the Scottish Lowlands for a reunion weekend in a 1970s holiday let. Soon a number of mysterious and horrifying events start to expose the cracks in their relationships, and one by one they discover that trust runs but skin-deep. A night of closure turns out to be far more final than they could have anticipated.