搜索 Fon

  • 主人公是22岁的少女妮可,父母外出后独自照看房子,她和好朋友韦萝妮克享受着夏日惬意的时光。这种平静被妮可的哥哥打破了,他带着他的乐队出现了,他们正打算为专辑录歌。两个女孩的友谊受到了考验。她们的假日出现了意想不到的转折。妮可开始失眠,并且收到了来自一个只有十岁的男孩坚持不渝的追求。
  • 奎诺(Quino)是一位墨西哥潜水员,在海底发现了一颗珍珠。他和他的妻子胡安娜(Juana)及其儿子刚刚拥有了一颗价值数千的珍珠。每天人们都在尝试赚钱,甚至珍珠交易商也试图将其剥夺。奎诺(Quino)有一天受到攻击时,他是为了自卫而杀死攻击者。他的兄弟建议他们唯一的希望是离开村庄。但是,在给儿子提供从未有过的教育的过程中,有人可能会采取任何措施来阻止这种情况。  Quino is a Mexican diver who discovers a pearl at the bottom of the sea. He and his wife Juana, and their son have just taken possession of a pearl that is worth thousands. Everyday people try to get in on the cash, even Pearl Dealers try to rip them off. When Quino is attacked one day, he kills his attackers in self defence. His brother suggests their only hope is to leave the village. But on their journey to give their son an education they never had, someone may just do anything to prevent it.
  • 一个穷途末路的老太太走上了贩毒道路,穿梭于一群年轻男人之间,斗智斗勇、轻松诙谐地化解了重重险境这部另类犯罪片从头至尾充满了令人捧腹的法式幽默。女主角伯纳蒂特·拉方特自1950年代出道,是特吕弗和夏布罗尔两大法国电影新浪潮干将的处女作女主角,从影五十五年来已参演180多部影视剧,曾两度荣获法国电影凯撒奖,与之配戏的是西班牙国宝级女演员、阿莫多瓦御用明星卡门·毛拉,两位女星擦出笑果无数。
  •   A young woman is driven to the unthinkable by her desperate desire to have a child in Simon Stone’s radical production of Lorca’s achingly powerful masterpiece.
  • A satire on anti-communist paranoia in the days of fascist dictatorship in Portugal. The series follows the adventures of the "Lusitanian superhero", the ultra-patriotic Captain Falc?o, a man who follows the direct orders of António de Oliveira Salazar in the fight against the "red menace". Starring Gon?alo Waddington, as Captain Falc?o, David Chan Cordeiro (also responsible fo...