- Still living in London and working at the local cinema, Jessie (Rose Matafeo) explores a new single life after parting ways with film star Tom (Nikesh Patel). Two years after the breakup, Jessie navigates the pressures of adulthood and is confronted with the consequences of her own choices as her friends move on to the next stages in their lives, while Jessie is left questioning what she is really looking for.
- 劳拉(拉娜·孔多尔 Lana Condor 饰)是一个16岁的女孩,无论是外貌还是性格,劳拉都只能算是最普通的那一挂,把她扔在人堆里,下一秒钟你就绝对再也无法注意到她。然而,劳拉的心思细腻情感丰富,让她特别容易对男孩产生好感,但她总是将这份爱慕隐藏在心底,只是通过写信的方式来抒情,一段时间下来,劳拉积攒了不少的情书,她将这些情书藏了起来,并决定将它们当做自己永远的秘密。 可让劳拉没有想到的是,自己的这些私房信竟然在某一天被统统公之于众。信件带来的巨大反响很快就令她的生活发生了天翻地覆的改变,面对各方的声音,无论是嘲讽和还是善意的,勇敢的劳拉都以一颗平常心面对。