搜索 band

  • 在经过了一系列惊险刺激的大冒险过后,剑客靴猫踏上新的征程。这次他来到一片辽阔壮丽的荒原,当他正纵马驰骋之时,却被一群全副武装的士兵拦了下来。在验证身份之后,剑客靴猫被带进一座华丽庄严的王宫,并见到了亚历山德拉?贝拉冈巴公主。公主愁眉不展,面带忧伤,原来她王冠上的熔火之心红宝石被来自法兰西的盗贼耳语大盗偷走。在追捕耳语大盗的过程中,卫兵们捉到大盗的三个跟班——三只超萌看似天真无邪的幼猫。可是公主与卫兵却称他们为恶魔,公主拜托剑客靴猫从小猫口中问出耳语大盗的巢穴,并召回宝石。剑客靴猫欣然应允,不过他却轻视了眼前这三只诡计多端的小猫……
  •   Using archival footage and dramatic re-enactments, this documentary deals with the immediate aftermath of the 1918 armistice that brought World War I to an end. From January to July 1919, the Paris Peace Conference dealt not only with issues related to Germany but with the thorny issue of national boundaries in Europe, the Middle East and Asia. From this conference emerged Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia; the annexation of parts of Germany by other countries; the creation of Iraq; and the transfer of German colonies in Africa and China to new colonial masters. It also led to the creation of the League of Nations, championed by President Woodrow Wilson but which the US never joined. When they finally dealt with the issue of war reparations, they imposed a payments schedule on Germany that many believe provided the underpinnings of World War II.
  •   高大帅气的明星大一新生Thantat,故意缺席学院校之月选拔初赛,导致害羞内向的Lomnhao被选为代表,更被推选参加全国校之月大赛,而Thantat也成为了他的培训导师。但是,Thantat一直以各种藉口出现Lomnhao身边,在堂哥Phana和Wayo的提醒下,Lomnhao渐渐发现Thantat的真实意图…
  • 故事发生在1980年代的纽约,一只住在曼哈顿的狗狗厌倦了孤独,他决定购入高科技机器人作伴,两人在纽约街头共舞同欢,友谊日渐深厚、密不可分。某日,他们在海滩上慵懒午睡,机器人醒来后却再也无法动弹,狗狗只能带着沉痛的心情,在夏夜中被迫离开。在无尽的等待中,他们是否会再次相遇?
  • 欧文(贾斯蒂斯·史密斯 Justice Smith 饰)和麦迪(布里盖特·伦迪·佩恩 Brigette Lundy-Paine 饰)因一档深夜超自然节目而结缘,然而这档节目却神秘地被取消了,在暗淡的电视灯光下,他们对现实的看法开始变得模糊不清。