搜索 Ying

  • After her son is jailed, a Chinese mother with high expectations struggles to protect her family's remaining reputation by parenting her independent daughter, whom she must seek shelter from in the U.S. with her son's two unmanageable adolescents.
  • Eighty people from totally diverse backgrounds suddenly find themselves in an undisclosed location where they are expected to compete in a race with simple rules, "If you are lapped twice, you die. If you step off the path, you die. Race… or die."   Many will start but only one may cross the finish line alive. Eighty individuals are chosen by an anonymous being, who instantly dis...
  • 《不一样的九零后》由北京潇龙影视文化有限责任公司、湖南帝马钱加亿影视有限公司出品,湖南方格子影视文化有限公司联合出品,讲述了一群九零后毕业生走出校园面对社会、经济、道德人心的变化,他们的创业、恋爱将呈现出一副中国现代新人类的动人篇章。他们用音乐把无限的爱传递给面临失学的孩子们,相约把青春无限延伸下去的青春励志故事。
  • 丹西帕(苏格拉瓦·卡那诺 Sukollawat Kanaros 饰)是人气爆棚的当红偶像,正在同门当户对的名模普拉法(Grace Karnklao Duaysienklao 饰)交往,不出意外的话,两人很快就将携手步入婚姻的殿堂。某一天,一个名叫艾达的孩子找到了丹西帕,并声称自己是丹西帕的孩子。  原来,丹西帕曾和艾达的母亲凯特(Jakjaan Akumsiri Suwannasuk 饰)有过一段始乱终弃的孽缘,然而,丹西帕并不知道当初分手之际,凯特的腹中已经有了自己的骨肉。就这样,艾达住进了丹西帕的家中,而他的存在也让凯特再度出现在了丹西帕的生活里。丹西帕发现,自己内心里对于凯特的感情开始死灰复燃,这让个性强势善妒的普拉法感到了强大的威胁。