搜索 Wilfred Benaïche
共找到“2”个结果 1969年法國漢斯,香檳日報的體育記者庫塔因採訪槓上足協,被調去和女祕書艾曼紐一起籌備年度慈善義演。保羅想了個瘋狂點子:舉辦史上第一場全女子足球賽!在那個老婆參加球隊需要丈夫簽同意書的保守年代,庫塔找來漂亮寶貝珍娜、被暱稱阿嬤的蕾蒙,還有深藏不露的黃金腳艾曼紐。這群娘子軍將法國足球踢出新境界!
The film follows the story of three girls in contemporary Paris. One searches for her lost mother since she knows she's adopted. The other has come out of a coma and needs to have a love relationship aside from his mysterious father. The third one is a crook who redeems herself through love. The action is commented by songs and dance routines.