搜索 Vass

  •   当亚历克斯加入一家海边精品餐厅的团队时,她爱上了神秘的餐厅经理马克斯,性张力随之上升。在感情的蒙蔽下,这段关系逐渐滑向了令人痛苦的生存故事。
  •   Russian hints that the country could hand over America's most wanted whistle blower as a favor to Donald Trump place Edward Snowden in even greater danger than before. A secret meeting between global freedom and civil rights campaigners Snowden, Birgitta Jonsdottir and Larry Lessig turns into a freewheeling discussion about the future of democracy. Birgitta Jonsdottir has been a member of Iceland's parliament since 2009. All her actions have been aimed at giving the people back their voice and opening up the parliamentary process and political decision-making. Larry Lessig is a Harvard law professor. He tirelessly denounces the influence of money in US politics and the way establishment elites collude to support each other against the public interest. The three activists agreed to be filmed during an extraordinary conversation about their ongoing struggles, the last bastions of democracy and the opportunities and choices still left to us. The questions they ask are fundamental. Can democracy be saved? What unites us? How can you tell when democracy has failed?
  •   影片故事,大致讲述两名追踪“失踪飞船”的太空猎人,当他们终于找到飞船后,却目睹了一系列离奇的现象:一名年轻女子的幽灵从她的尸体中走出,而这架飞船也仿佛拥有了自己的灵魂......
  • 威诺古尔表示该片就是聚焦宇航员在去往太空执行任务之前的准备工作,“活动正式进行之前的准备工作对于宇航员来说是最难熬的一部分,因为你一旦到了太空中就万事俱备,而在此之前你要与亲属们道别,还要为身体做充足准备来适应环境,是关于你如何将恐惧与疼痛安置于生命之上的概念。我们意图是将其造成一个超级女英雄兼普通母亲的角色,母亲这一角色在其他影片里通常都很弱,是时候证明女性不仅可以是一位母亲,还可以成为一位伟大的宇航员。”该故事基于威诺古尔本人同自己女儿的分离经历,伊娃·格林将会接受法国宇航员托马斯·佩斯凯的培训。
  • 上下一心,勇气三级跳!拯救奇幻世界之路,所向无敌!骷髅勇士奇美、雄鸡巫师瑞可和山狮勇士比丘是来自三个不同荒岛的边缘人,他们与身负重任的神鹰勇士玛雅团结一心,誓要阻止战神密克朗冥王的诡计,并且实现一则古老预言。《玛雅与三剑客》将于10月22日起上线,Netflix 独家。