搜索 Schneider

  • 当陷入困境的银行经理Andy的宝贝女儿失踪时,他必须听从婴儿监护器另一端神秘声音的指示,在她永远消失之前拯救她。
  •   The summer before college, bright-yet-irreverent Elliott comes face-to-face with her older self during a mushroom trip. The encounter spurs a funny and heartfelt journey of self-discovery and first love as Elliott prepares to leave her childhood home.  Writer-director Megan Park’s tender, surprising sophomore feature cleverly uses its high-concept premise of a visit from one’s future self to launch a refreshing, nuanced exploration of the uncertainties of young romance and coming of age. My Old Ass is a sweet teenage love story, a lively contemporary comedy, and a quirky riff on time-travel films all in one.  Maisy Stella and Aubrey Plaza have a terrific unlikely chemistry, as the sass and self-assuredness of the young Elliott, as played by Stella, blends and overlaps with Plaza’s sardonic humor as a more mature Elliott. The care and affection shown in the film’s depiction of Elliott’s rural hometown in her last days before taking off for adulthood visually highlights her emotional journey, evoking a nostalgia for days that haven’t even ended yet.—HZ 
  • 八岁那年,凯特琳在灯塔改造的家中发现母亲被谋杀身亡。尽管在动机不明的情况下,凯特琳的父亲克里斯以凶手之名被逮捕,这个不幸让克里斯发狂,也让凯特琳搬离家乡。二十年后,建商买下那栋荒废的灯塔,凯特琳却发现建商陆续失踪,原来,祖父曾经在此留下一个家族秘密,而凯特琳唯有找出真相,才能阻止更多不幸的发生。
  • 影片根据Solly Perel的真实经历改编,讲述了和希特勒同一天生日的13岁德国犹太男孩Solly在二战期间通过机敏过人的应变能力和绝无仅有的巧合,保全生命,并最终与集中营中的兄长团聚的令人惊叹的故事。片中年轻的Solly是苏联共青团员,是德军的战斗英雄,是希特勒青年队的队员,甚至还爱上了一个纯雅利安女孩,但犹太人的特殊标志——割礼,却无时无刻提醒着他的身份。从无所谓、迷茫到怨恨,战争让他承担了太多与年龄不相称的压力,但最终他依然认同了自己的民族,并在成年后毫不犹豫地为自己的儿子也实行了割礼。
  • 当前共同主持人杰克·埃弗雷特(JakeEverett)回到广受欢迎的电视早间节目主持人娜奥米·斯宾塞(Naomi Spencer)的职业生活中时,该节目的成功突飞猛进,但娜奥米的个人生活开始崩溃。