- Flight / Risk follows everyday people who find themselves in the midst of a global tragedy when two Boeing 737 Max planes crashed only five months apart in 2018 and 2019. This powerful documentary is told through the perspective of affected family members, their legal teams, whistleblowers, and Pulitzer-winning Seattle Times journalist Dominic Gates.
- The Kennedys is a multi-generation family comedy loosely based on Emma’s memoirs The Tent, The Bucket And Me. Each episode is introduced by Emma Kennedy played by Lucy Hutchinson, a 10 year-old Star Wars obsessed tomboy who is happy to tag along with her much-loved parents, Brenda and Tony Kennedy played by Katherine Parkinson and Dan Skinner. The Kennedy family has just moved ...
- 三个高中处男杰森(Donald Glover 饰)、邓肯(D.C. Pierson 饰)以及查理(Dominic Dierkes 饰)十年来痴迷于侦探游戏,这三个分别自认为是“变装高手”、“天才少年”和“大力水手”的怪咖在学校里只是不起眼的小人物,然而他们仍然团结在自己的小团体“神秘之队”中,整日和事主与罪犯都是小学生的“犯罪”行为做斗争。这天,一个女童向神秘之队求助,要求找到杀害自己父母的凶手,这任务令急于证明自己的三人组大感振奋,更何况女童的姐姐凯莉还是个美丽的姑娘。三人马上进入状态,展开了他们独有的无厘头查案思路。凭借报纸上找来的线索以及神经质线人的帮助,三人居然逐步接近了真情的真相,原来凯莉身为律师的父亲卷入了当地木厂的交易。在真凶渐渐浮出水面时,神秘之队内部却出现了问题……