搜索 Nicholas Brown

  •   Inspired by Stephanie Wood’s powerful memoir Fake, this drama follows Birdie Bell (Asher Keddie), a magazine features writer who thinks she’ 、s found her perfect match when she meets successful grazier, Joe Burt (David Wenham), on a dating app. But as the relationship intensifies, Birdie is torn between Joe’s magnetic pull and the instinct that her boyfriend isn’t all he has led her to believe.
  • J(赫里尼克?罗斯汉 Hrithik Roshan 饰)做梦都想过上有钱人的生活,然而命运总是跟他开玩笑。在拉斯维加斯打拼的他在最潦倒的时候,甚至会和那些想拿到美国绿卡的女人假结婚,赚取一定的佣金。但是他却差点儿错过主动投怀送抱的富家千金GINA(康格娜?拉瑙特 Kangana Ranaut 饰)。GINA的父亲BOB是拉斯维加斯最大赌场的老板,JAY得知后,最终凭借自己出色的舞技赢得了BOB一家的赏识。本来自此便可以飞黄腾达的他,在BOB家意外遇到与他假结婚的LINDA(芭芭拉?默瑞 Bárbara Mori 饰),此时,LINDA已经准备嫁给GINA的哥哥TONY了。在相处中,J和LINDA暗中互生情愫,并最终打伤TONY私奔。然而,TONY并没有打算轻易放过他们,不仅诬陷他们丢走了赌场巨额钱财,而且动用了所有力量对他们进行围剿……
  •   It follows a hard-driving LA wine-company executive who travels to an Australian sheep station to land a major client and there she ends up working as a ranch hand and sparking with a rugged local.
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