搜索 Manojlovic

  •   How easy is it for desperate youngsters to become dangerous gangsters in a decaying society washed all over by the blood of war? Fairly easy indeed. Rane shows incidents, probably somewhat facts, that took place in Serbia of the war era. Things similar to what you see on this film could happen virtually everywhere, but this film gives a very Yugoslavian feeling to everything. Yugo style mafia, Yugo style murder, and all that. Revolting politicians and their greed are to blame, not only the desperate young men who lose their reasoning while trying to be someone. The film and the casting is overall successful, and it's so very Serbian. I recommend it to anyone who.. well anyone who likes a good film. But don't expect anything American style on this one, as I say it's Yugo to the bone.
  • 法国2004年卢克邦迪(《情 欲印象》)执导的剧情片,妮科尔加西亚、娜塔莎雷尼耶主演。
  • 1963年是即將13歲的漢娜(由卡琳瓦納斯飾)的人生轉捩點。她坐在蒙特婁一家暗暗的電影院中, 第一次見到了娜娜,也就是在高達的「喚醒她的人生」一片中由安娜卡麗娜飾演的女主角。 這時候的漢娜正處於矛盾的年紀,他努力地想讓自己成為成熟的女人,卻又與父母不合,家人彼此之間充滿愛恨糾葛的情節。她的猶太裔父親(米奇馬諾喬維飾),是一個靈魂受折磨的流浪詩人,一個不懂得表達愛的人。而她的母親年紀很輕,是魁北克人。信奉天主教,經常過度疲勞。幸好漢娜還有一個她很談得來的哥哥和唯一的朋友蘿拉。在試驗性的一年即將結束之際,和娜終於明白了美麗而令人銷魂的娜娜所要傳達的訊息。她想她有責任讓自己的人生過得更美好!
  • 丹尼尔(米基·马诺伊洛维奇 Miki Manojlović 饰)是一名指挥家,而他的太太艾琳娜(罗莎·别亚内达 Rosa Pianeta 饰)则经营着一间画廊,两人可谓是天作之合灵魂伴侣。虽然在外人看来,他们夫妻之间的感情非常的恩爱,但实际上,空虚早已经侵蚀了艾琳娜充满破绽的内心,孤独和寂寞一直萦绕着她。
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