- The plot involves a woman who sets out a well-intentioned plan of bringing together her dysfunctional family in the wake of the family’s matriarch, her mother-in-law. She deceives her husband and others in to believe their mother left rules for the family to follow in the lead up to Christmas. Wanting to believe their mother left some guidance to help heal the wounds of her absence, the family comes together and follows the rules to the letter.
- 1948年,彼时战后的德国正处于重建阶段,东部和西部即将面临长期分裂对立的局面。沃尔夫家族的工厂历经四代传人,有着长达80年的历史。如今这个家族企业面对着复杂多变的环境局势,不得不在夹缝中求生存...