搜索 Kei

  • When Dakota tries to break off her toxic relationship with Axel, it starts transforming him into a monstrous creature. He gradually succumbs to the poison of the decaying relationship, becoming a creature with increased aggression, a touch that melts skin and worst of all, he's contagious.
  •   早已功成名就的女性神秘小说家莎拉•莫顿(Charlotte Rampling 夏洛特•汉普林 饰)却为新作烦恼不已,在出版商约翰•布兰德(Charles Dance 查理士•当斯 饰)的建议下,她来到约翰的家乡别墅,一面休养,一面寻找灵感。乡间的悠哉生活使莎拉从久居伦敦的疲惫中解脱出来,尽情享受着难得的休闲时光。  某晚,自称约翰女儿的茱莉(Ludivine Sagnier 卢蒂文•萨尼埃 饰)不宣而至,茱莉开朗、张扬、放荡,与古板莎拉格格不入。莎拉的创作计划被打乱,而一丝不祥的气息也悄然弥漫开来……  本片荣获2003年欧洲电影界最佳女主角奖(夏洛特•汉普林)、2003年曼谷国际电影节最佳影片奖。
  •   Keith, a defeated adult store owner, falls for a younger woman who visits his shop looking for a gift. When their relationship turns physical, Keith’s failure to perform leads him to a strange doctor who offers hope in the form of a new experimental drug. The experience gives Keith much more than renewed manhood. It also provides a glimpse into a parallel universe where he is not only the singer of the band OFF!, but also the target of an evil alien species that will stop at nothing to prevent the group from making a new album which holds the key to an awakening of human consciousness.
  • Paramount+确认Kelsey Grammer主演的Frasier重启剧将会续订第二季,饰演Roz的Peri Gilpin回归出演,同样回归的还有饰演Bulldog的Dan Butler和饰演Gil的Edward Hibbert
  • 贾斯米特·巴姆拉 (Jasmeet Bhamra) 是一名警察,也是一名单身母亲,最近在一场枪击事件中失去了孩子,她被调到海威科姆,负责处理一名失踪儿童的案件,新的伤口再次揭开。导演汉萨尔·梅塔在这部氛围惊悚片中以其标志性的敏感度探讨了创伤、封闭和移民经历的主题,卡普尔的表演堪称职业生涯最佳。