搜索 Jocelyn

  • Amazon拿下Jenny Han的YA小说《我变美的那夏天 The Summer I Turned Pretty》(《致所有我曾爱过的男孩 To All the Boys I've Loved Before》作者的另一作品)改编权,并准备弄成一部8集剧,作者本人会负责首集剧本。   《我变美的那夏天》是部多代电视剧,剧情包括女主与两兄弟之间的三角恋,亦有各个母亲和自己子女的关系及女性友谊的题材。
  •   Maddie (Alexa Barajas, YELLOWJACKETS, THE FLASH) is in trouble. She’s been in an accident, and her politician mother can’t have her careless daughter destroying the reputation she’s built, so she sends Maddie to a safe house — a state-of-the-art domicile boasting a fully operational AI system called ROMI. Hertig (Pavel Kríz, MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - GHOST PROTOCOL), the property manager and owner, gives Maddie a tour of her new digs, complete with every convenience brought to her by ROMI. He’s a bit strange, and she’s wary of him, but there’s also the awkwardly charming A.I. tech Barkley (Juan Reidinger, CLAWS, RICEBOY SLEEPS), whose genius built the artificial assistant from the ground up. Despite the occasional company, Maddie is scared she’ll be arrested and feels quite alone… and there’s something not quite right with ROMI. What lies ahead becomes an unsettling mystery for her, and surviving this lockdown instead of going to jail becomes her top priority.
  •   《神之山岭》改编自著名漫画家谷口治郎和作家梦枕貘的漫画系列,在影片中,年轻的日本摄影记者深町发现了一部或将改变登山历史的相机。这部相机指向神秘的羽生丈二 — 一名据传已经失踪多年的孤狼登山者。深町进入了狂热登山者的世界,这些登山者们对难以征服的高山充满向往,在这个旅程中,深町一步一步地走向了神之山岭。
  •   Charlie, a young boy from China travels all the way from Shanghai to find his fathers restaurant in Hollywood is in trouble. He must convince 3 people to believe in the Spirit of Christmas in order to save his family's dream. This Multi-Award Winning, F
  • 最好的朋友克里夫和奥蒂斯计划通过从一些最危险的敌人那里偷窃来快速致富……