搜索 Jene

  •   受理哈里森大樓爆炸案生還者心理輔導的諮商師莫道克,與每位案主一對一面談後,警探突然找上門,表示整起爆炸案並非意外,希望莫道克能提供生還者的陳述內容,莫道克基於職業道德,絕口不透漏半點資訊。但他發現案主們對於爆炸案的記憶之間都有著細微的關聯。此時,曾提及因感受到家庭幸福絕不會自殺的案主史黛拉,竟被發現跳橋身亡,這讓莫道克想起蒙特內哥羅說過的話,開始對案主的陳述內容抽絲剝繭,卻也將自己導入險境…
  • 当安娜·鲁(Ana Rue)转到一所著名的新表演学校时,她在参加了一场病毒式的挑战后,遇到了一个恶毒的灵魂。
  • 「母亲教我说话,为何我得沉默?」祖母病故,住宅电梯故障失修,抬棺材到街上弄得众人狼狈万分,这就是黑人少女哈比的日常缩影。新当选区长的白人医生邻居,「仗义」收留叙利亚难民,却无视聚居多年黑人族群苦况,狠心推动强迫迁拆令,使哈比不得不在本该普世欢腾的圣诞节走上抗争之路。压迫愈趋无理,居民怒火可会一发不可收拾?赖卓利继戛纳得奖作《孤城泪》,再次深探法国社会阶级和种族冲突根源:不患寡而患不均,不患贫而患不安,信焉。
  • Rene is a dedicated warrior-monk of the famed Knights Templar, a religious order whose mission to protect Christian pilgrims has degenerated into a power grab for wealth and influence in the Crusader Kingdom. Disillusioned by the corrupt motives of his superiors, Rene is nearly killed at the disastrous 1187 battle fought at the Horns of Hattin, which wipes out most of the Christian army. He is taken captive on the battlefield by brigands, but escapes and flees into the desert. Saved from starvation by Hasan, a mysterious Muslim traveler, he returns the favor when Hasan is attacked by outriders of Saladin's army. The two take refuge in an isolated oasis, the home of Soheila, widow of a Muslim warrior, and Soheila nurses the severely wounded Hasan back to health.
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