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  • Azi 和 Dex 都在争夺他们那届毕业生代表的称号,但 Dex 总是落后于 Azi。然后他计划让她坠入爱河来分散注意力,但他的计划是一把双刃剑。
  •   Nilalang is about an NBI agent who teams up with an heiress to a transnational organized crime syndicate in Japan to put a stop to the centuries molikan.com old curse that may be responsible for the spate of serial killings happening in Manila.
  •   本片是2014年爆款动作片《走到尽头》的菲律宾翻拍版。讲述警察爱德蒙·威廉在匆忙奔丧的路上意外撞人,随后卷入被敲诈勒索的危险局面。在动作片领域有专攻的菲律宾导演劳伦斯·法哈多,在本片中对节奏拿捏精准,不仅故事环环相扣惊险刺激,室内打斗动作更是迅猛凌厉,让观众肾上腺素飙升。他还为影片加上了大量本土化背景,以犯罪片的形式对某些社会现象作出了批评。
  •   一对濒临分居的年轻夫妇踏上了公路旅行以修补一切。 这段旅程会挽救他们的婚姻,还是会让他们意识到这是他们的终点?
  • High school student Jen Guilarman lives in misery with her abusive mother and her mom's lesbian lover. Looking for some escape, she aims to join an all-girl gang which first requires her to undergo a sexual rite. Jen only has one man in mind, and that is her teacher Ariel Basco who has always been sympathetic with her. Suddenly, Jen cries rape and gets her teacher arrested. But...
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