搜索 Iben

  •   The film follows 6-year-old Villads in school and at home. Villads often runs into trouble because he loves to play, and most of the times the rules of Villads' playing are in conflict with the rules of the adults.
  • 13-year-old Nate Foster is an unpopular Midwestern kid who entertains vivid fantasies of becoming a big Broadway musical star. In the meantime, however, Nate can't even get a decent role in his middle school's drama productions, getting cast as a tree in the chorus instead of the lead role he craves. However, when he and his best friend Libby mastermind a daring trip to New Yor...
  •   丹麦第一神(经)编剧安诺斯托马斯延森和美剧《汉尼拔》扮演者麦斯米科尔森早期电影,两人05年合拍神片《亚当的苹果》 还合作过好多黑色喜剧,本片讲四个黑帮分子偷老大的巨款开餐馆且各自回忆童年,充满荒诞和丹麦式冷幽默,结局(看起来)相当治愈,世纪之交的北欧出了好多黑色喜剧,当时丹麦第一神(经)编剧的功力已现端倪,那时麥叔还没成为汉尼拔,居然演了个背心暴力男......
  • 故事讲述一位挪威裔神秘男子,让碰到自己的少年突然自燃,并被控谋杀罪名。在接受审问之前,一位心理医师惊人发现,他竟然拥有无法控制的超自然能力,而这股力量可能来自于北欧神话,于是她决定帮助这位神秘男子逃狱,一同踏上寻找真相的旅途。
  •   《栗子人》以哥本哈根宁静的郊外为背景,在十月份一个狂风大作的早晨,警察发现了一件恐怖的事情。一名年轻女子在操场被残忍谋杀,并且她的一只手不见了。她的身旁放了一个用栗子做成的小人。雄心勃勃的年轻侦探纳亚·图林(达妮卡·库尔西奇饰)和她的新搭档马克·赫斯(米克尔·福尔斯加德饰)奉命调查这个案子。他们很快就发现了一个关于栗子人的神秘证据,这个证据与一年前失踪并被认定已死亡的一个女孩有关:政治家罗莎·哈通(艾本·多尔纳饰)的女儿。
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