- Hailing from Netflix Mexico, the Spanish-language film follows the titular band two decades after they topped the charts. Now they are back to reclaim their pop throne, but the music world has changed and they have to battle rival groups and make it all over again in a world they barely understand. Meanwhile, the lead singer of the Technoboys has a hidden reasons for wanting to...
- 雷是一名成功的律师,有一家自己的律师事务所。一天在电视新闻中看到一起谋杀案,雷对此产生兴趣。没多久谋杀案的嫌疑人多夫蒂夫人找上门来,希望雷可以为自己辩护,如果成功脱罪将付给他高额的报酬。进行了一番调查之后,雷发现这起谋杀案里有诸多蹊跷,多夫蒂夫人对真相有所隐瞒。雷跟踪多夫蒂来到一栋别墅,发现多夫蒂与她丈夫的财务律师有染。多夫蒂将真相告诉雷,并答应雷在案件结束后两人远走高飞。法庭上雷成功为多夫蒂脱罪,案件胜诉。这一切都被铂金斯警探看在眼里,他来到雷家门口,看见了自己多年来一直迷惑的一幕。他冲进雷的家门,并且开枪了。原来这一切都是雷设计的,就是为了引出藏在背后的铂金斯,铂金斯被助手开枪打死,沉寂多年的冤案也终于真相大白,雷的复仇计划也终于实现。