搜索 Fried

  • 这是一个未来的世界,天下已经由机器人来操控。机器人想完全占有这个世界,把人类赶尽杀绝,然而却遇到了顽强抵抗的人类精英康纳。于是,终结者机器人T-800(阿诺?施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger饰)受命回到1984年,杀害康纳母亲莎拉(琳达?汉密尔顿 Linda Hamilton 饰),目的是灭掉康纳的出生。 康纳得知后,火速派战士雷斯(迈克尔?比恩 Michael Biehn 饰)前往救援。雷斯来到1984年的洛杉矶,及时搭救了被机器人追杀的莎拉——她当时还是一个大学生。然而,人们把雷斯当成疯子,不相信未来机器人统治世界。 直到莎拉又一次遭到机器人追击,她才相信了这一切。奔走中她和雷斯相爱,怀上了未来的康纳,而雷斯也陷入和机器人的苦斗当中。人类世界能否从因为这场斗争改变原来的噩运?
  •   德国导演提姆克格入选威尼斯影展正式竞赛的《爱的时空效应》,大玩图像叙事,故事由一场在瑞士阿尔卑斯山举办的物理学盛会展开,苦心专研旷世学说的博士,邂逅谜一般的女子,她竟对他无所不知;诡云当空、怪事频传,平行宇宙奇遇即将一发不可收拾。视频从复古黑白摄影、配乐到剪辑,维妙维肖仿拟经典老片。黑色电影风格混搭山林冒险类型,再叠加法国新浪潮,重现希区考克与大卫林区的惊悚神韵,搬演一出阿尔卑斯山脚下的《暗》。
  •   Gracie and Pedro are family pets with nothing in common. Gracie is a snobby, purebred pooch who considers herself "Best in Show", while Pedro is a brazen, rescue cat, preferring his dinner fresh from the trash. After the family undertakes a big move, Gracie and Pedro's brawling destroys the airport baggage carousel, leaving the pets lost and stranded without their collars in a frightening and unknown world. What lies between the pets and reunification with their family is a daunting quest, packed with colorful characters and perilous adventures that forces Gracie and Pedro to accept what they have in common -- they won't quit on family. Meanwhile, Sophie and Gavin, the family kids, are not giving up on them either, posting a song about their lost pets which just happens to go viral. This raucous family film will be a reminder that friendship is not only life's greatest reward, but also its most awesome adventure.
  •   Family navigates turbulent 1960s dynamics. Mom separates from alcoholic husband. Daughters grapple with changes. Dad's antique gift hides dark force that imperils all.