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  • 世界各国突然出现黄金大量流失的现象,而黄金的黑市交易却十分兴盛。英国情报部怀疑世界巨富金手指参与了黑市黄金交易,他在日内瓦拥有一座大银行,各国都有大量黄金储备在那里。007邦德(肖恩?康纳利 Sean Connery 饰)开始展开对金手指的调查。   邦德一路跟踪金手指到了日内瓦,发现了他往外运黄金的秘密,他通过用黄金造车身的方法重熔得到金块。邦德被金手指的手下发现了,他们抓住了邦德。邦德在意外中还得知了金手指即将实施的一个惊天计划:他策划用飞机撒播毒气使银行的驻军死亡,然后炸开银行,利用一枚小型核弹致使世界各国保存的黄金受到辐射污染而不能进入流通,这样黑市的黄金交易将获得十倍以上的巨额利润!邦德虽然得知了金手指的全盘计划,可是人在牢中,无法通知外界。最终金手指的阴谋能否得逞?
  • 本片描述了由让.雷诺和克里斯蒂昂.克拉维埃饰演的戈德弗鲁瓦骑士和他的侍从拉弗里普伊两人因巫师的失误由公元1122年被抛送到现代。他们被电话、汽车、洗澡间等等现代化的设施弄得惊讶不已,从而演出一系列笑话。导演让-马力.普瓦雷善于突出并发挥演员的作用,注重对诙谐文字、滑稽剧和高卢幽默的兼收并蓄。本片“玩"的是长达千年的“时间差",充分利用了张冠李戴和过时的习俗,围绕中世纪来客面对现代电子世界的丑恶遭遇产生的惊讶来做文章。它完美地运用了大量特技效果,故成一部滑稽惊险喜剧
  • Different Drummers is based on a true story about two unusual boys in Spokane, Washington in the mid 1960s. In this more innocent time, when body builder Jack Lalanne ruled the airwaves, the two heroes, a couple of elementary school students, make a bold attempt to triumph over mortality through friendship. Eleven year old David is slowing down and is now wheelchair-bound by muscular dystrophy, while Lyle can't stop speeding up. Back then, he was referred to as having a condition called MDB (Minimal Brain Dysfunction) but today he would be diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder. Lyle wants more than anything to get David out of his wheelchair and running again, and he concocts a wild scheme involving a science project, some firemen, drummers, the school principal, a cop and a hand-walk across the school gymnasium, among other things. It works like this Inspired by his TV idol, Lalanne, and his message of intestinal fortitude and willpower, Lyle manages to convince David that ...
  • Madea's back hallelujer. And she's not putting up with any nonsense as family drama erupts at her great-grandson's college graduation celebration.
  • 乔什·杜哈明、艾比·考尼什、尼克·诺特([勇士])、奥马尔·查帕罗([大侦探皮卡丘])将主演动作惊悚片[封锁](Blackout,暂译)。Sam Macaroni执导,Van B. Nguyen操刀剧本。该片讲述凯恩(杜哈明饰)在墨西哥的医院醒来,什么都不记得了。在遇到安娜(考尼什饰)后,他终于知道自己是谁。但他很快发现,自己要为自己的生命而战,因为几个敌对的卡特尔派系都来攻击他,每个派系都在寻找他所偷的东西。凯恩向同事兼导师、缉毒局探员麦考伊(诺特饰)寻求答案。该片正在墨西哥城拍摄中。