搜索 Carlin

  •   Finally, Anton fell in love and married Yuni, who was also his wife's friend, Nuri. Even though Yuni and Nuri had promised not to pursue each other's partners, Nuri decided to let go because she had experienced multiple miscarriages. In the end, Nuri felt disappointed because Anton did not fulfill his promise to be fair. Yuni started experiencing supernatural terror during her pregnancy, which made her fall ill and led to conflicts with Bude. This situation led Yuni to choose Nuri to take care of her while Anton was away. What will happen when the first and second wives are under the same roof? Yuni's mother realized the danger that could befall her child and future grandchildren, but it was too late. Will the supernatural terror against Yuni end or escalate further?
  •   The film tells the story of four raw facing different situations of life: love, heartache and endless tragicomic adventures .
  • A detective transferred to Victorian High Country investigates 5 missing persons. She uncovers a complex web of murder, deceit and revenge.
  •   安迪·惠特福德, 拥有一半原住民血统的她, 为了躲避过往恩怨, 偕同妻子海伦与继女琦拉从墨尔本移居山区小城断脊镇, 接替退休警长山姆·戴森, 成为当地警局领头人。 在维多利亚高地的峰峦叠翠间,罪恶顺着蜿蜒山脊,汇聚成谜团。短短数年,有五人相继在浩瀚林海中消失,迟迟无解。 直到一场灭门惨案打破了宁静, 也为连环失踪案带来了转机。一张巨大的犯罪网络逐渐现形, 各色兽行轮番上演。 作为外乡人的安迪,秉持公义,对谜案进行抽丝剥茧。 让她始料未及的是, 随着调查深入, 连串秘辛使三口之家岌岌可危, 甚至自己的身世也跟案情有着千丝万缕的干系… 到头来,客非客, 主非主的安迪又该何去何从呢?
  • 故事最早始于住在风和海的半神毛伊(道恩·强森 Dwayne Johnson 配音),他偷走了女神的特菲堤之心,导致岩浆魔鬼厄卡陷入疯狂的状态,南太平洋各小岛也面临着毁灭的威胁。一千多年后,某座小岛上的...