搜索 Buda

  • 一位急救人員在曼谷的危險地段被捲入兩派衝突,必須努力設法保命。
  • 莱娜在父亲的阴影下每天过著地狱般的生活,她唯一来往的对象是旅馆同事穆法塔斯,莱娜从未答应但也没拒绝他的追求,痛苦的莱娜只想挣脱生活中的恶性循环;在城市的另一端,有位技师正为他刚过世的妻子哀伤,一只装有他妻子衣物的行李箱,竟出其不意地改变莱娜的命运…  Because of her father's inappropriate behavior, Zeynep, a hotel housekeeper, spends hellish nights. The only person with whom she has a relationship is Mustafa, a young man who works in the same hotel and who is interested in Zeynep. Zeynep is trying to escape from the vicious circle in which she finds herself. In another part of the city, Selcuk, a sound technician, is struggling with the guilt he feels over the recent death of his wife. The suitcase that contains Selcuk's wife's clothes will change Zeynep's fate in a most unexpected manner.
  •   Erica(梁琤 饰)因为天生条件的天独厚,因此被中央情报局选中。Erica接受的并非一般训练,而是进行身体彻底改造,成为半人半机械的冷酷无情的超级杀手,代号“黑猫”。CIA获悉国际恐怖组织派出杀手“铁人”刺 杀叶利钦,于是派出“黑猫”及华裔情报员罗彬(仇云波 饰)共同前往追捕“铁人”。不料两人却误中陷阱,“黑猫”的机能甚至遭到严重破坏。当局只能一方面抢修“黑猫”,另一方面则布下天罗地网,希望“黑猫”能在“铁人”行动前将他逮捕。
  • A squad of unsuspecting cops goes through a trapdoor to Hell when they stumble upon a Black Mass in an abandoned building.
  • 故事发生在伦敦一所破旧的公寓中,那里住着三个年轻人——AK(尤金·哈茨 Eugene Hutz 饰)、霍利(赫丽·威斯顿 Holly Weston 饰)和朱丽叶特(薇琪·麦克卢尔 Vicky McClure 饰)。AK拥有着成为摇滚巨星的梦想,同时,醉心于霍利的他希望某一日能够得到后者的垂青,而热爱芭蕾舞的霍利一心做着进入皇家芭蕾舞团成为职业舞者的美梦。朱丽叶特则希望有一天能够远赴非洲,帮助那里的贫困儿童。
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