搜索 Anicée Alvina
共找到“2”个结果 两个青年女子之间的表态性心理导致了其中一个被害,而凶手就是另外一位姑娘。此后,她便被囚禁一间修道院中。探长前来侦询,律师也前来调查案情。但探长并非在影片首尾出现的那个探长,律师又与被害者是同一个。所以,这桩凶杀案是否真的发生过,是否真的是这位杀手所为,都是不肯定的。需要由观众自行思考。本片是导演罗布一格里叶继《穿越欧洲的快车》后,自编自导的影片。也是他的第一部彩色影片。影片中的框架十分简单。
The young Helene searching for love because of missing her dead mother is falling in love with her fathers bisexual girlfriend Tamara who has a strong personality and knows exactly how to manipulate the people under her influence. Tamara involves Helene in a lesbian relationship but still follows her aim to marry Helene's father, a rich citizen in a little French town. [Written by Ulrich Graser ] [from imdb]