搜索 Ady

  •   青青草原上,粉红领巾随着阵阵徐风飘扬,班内与阿达玛这对年轻夫妻,趁着牧牛享受独处时光,即便太阳炙热又刺眼,但在恋人眼里只要映着彼此脸庞,就仍是朦胧美好。阿达玛拒绝世袭接任首领,班内对生育没兴趣,两人不愿依循传统规范,梦想在村落外拥有属于自己的房子。当雨季延迟、干旱降临,牛只相继死去,人们议论纷纷是否违背天意,他们的爱情将面临一场风暴来袭。
  • 在阿富汗战场上,德国军官杰斯珀和战友奉命驻守在前线的一个小村庄,防止塔利班组织的渗透。他们与年轻的阿富汗翻译塔里克一起,想要赢得当地村民与民兵组织的信任。但双方的差别太大了。塔里克与他的妹妹娜拉的生命安全受到了塔利班的威胁。杰斯珀面临困难的抉择:遵守命令放弃这对姐弟,还是违背命令帮助他们?
  •   Following her mother’s death, manga artist Soriya travels to her ancestral home in Phnom Penh, with hopes of reconnecting with her distant family and using the visit as inspiration for her work. All goes well initially. Renting an apartment in Metta, a rundown Khmer Rouge-era housing complex, her visit to her maternal relatives finds her welcomed with open arms. But Soriya’s waking hours in the apartment and its surroundings are punctuated by terrifying, bloody visions, almost as though she were a conduit for horrors of the past wanting to seep into the present.  Inrasothythep Neth and Sokyou Chea’s blood-chilling psychological horror explores a personal and political past through the present, transforming a characterful space into an insidious environment. Surrounded by modern high-rises, this decrepit structure, with its brutalist architecture and peeling surfaces, is a relic from a dark period in history whose painful memories it has absorbed. In tracing Soriya’s ominous journey back to her roots, Tenement hints at a necessary reckoning with Cambodia’s political past without overplaying its historical dimension. It’s an impressive work from a woefully underrepresented national cinema.
  •   一对夫妇在流产后想要重新开始,他们发现自己得到了梦寐以求的房子,但有一个条件--他们永远不能打开地窖的门。他们能否在不知情的情况下生活下去,这引发了令人震惊的后果。
  • Looking for a fresh start after a miscarriage, a couple find themselves being gifted the house of their dreams with one caveat - they can never open the cellar door. Whether they can live without knowing triggers shocking consequences.